“All Hail Goldman Sachs,” 2010:
“The Tiger of the House,” tribute video 2022:
Peter’s floor speech at Donald Trump’s (First) Impeachment, 2018:
Peter takes on Donald Trump, Big Pharma, and the NRA in just over 4 minutes, 2020:
Peter has had it with the lie of “Trickle Down Economics,” 2017:
As a cosponsor of the War Powers Act, Peter aims to reclaim Congress’s responsibility to declare war, 2017:
Peter calls the DOJ to the carpet for turning a blind eye to the right-wing takeover of the Malheur Wildlife Refuge, 2016:
Peter publicly and energetically stands up to President Obama (using much more polite language than he did in private), 2015:
Peter exposes the breathtaking Republican sabotage of the US Postal Service, 2013:
Epilogue: Peter’s bill ends the GOP attack on the USPS, 2022:
Peter blasts Paul Ryan’s plan to defund our highways (Watch till the end!), 2014:
Roll Call also compiled a batch of Peter’s Greatest hits and misses: